1. Segmentation to create a sense of belonging
Using Gecko, Cal U has created specific campaigns where the telecounselors are calling prospective students from their hometowns. This allowed the current students at Cal U to bond with prospective students in a more personal way, mentor them, and be part of the recruitment process by bringing them onto campus.
“The telecounselors know how they want to communicate with prospects. The peer-to-peer conversations are more meaningful and allow the prospective students to ask questions candidly. These call campaigns are helping students feel like they belong here.”
2. Call scripts that enable a more personalized experience
Gecko call scripts also enable Cal U to be more detailed and complex than they were when they were using a paper process. The scripts create a deeper and more personalized call experience and structure so the calls to prospective students are more streamlined.
“We can apply the logic which is driven based on the responses in the script. This allows the telecounselors to ask specific questions based on what the caller said. Some of our scripts are very basic and some are more involved, depending on what our call to action might be.”
3. Follow-up emails to communicate complex information
By using Gecko’s email functionality, Cal U is able to send automated follow-up communications to the prospects. This allows them to be specific when delivering complex information. Cal U is able to view delivery and open rates of these emails and they afford the recipient the opportunity to reply, which keeps the dialogue going.
“If we are communicating the steps that prospects need to take to complete the FAFSA, which is for financial aid, we need to give applicants our school code and how to get to it. Follow-up emails are the best way to do that.”
4. Call outcomes that create structure and support
Gecko has created consistency for the team at Cal U. Before Gecko, student telecounselors were just making notes in a spreadsheet, but they didn’t have a list of outcomes to follow. Gecko’s call outcomes have streamlined the process, allowing certain choices for the telecounselor to choose from. This has made it easier for the telecounselors to do their job.
“The students who moved from the old process to the Gecko platform were thrilled. Gecko made it so much easier for them to do their job. It increased not only their motivation but also their efficiency and output.
“I forget how prehistoric it was, the way they used to do things. Gecko has taken our student workers from being callers to telecounselors, which is a notable change in both title and responsibility”